‘Tis the season for… lots of new releases from Fantasy Flight! There’s so much stuff, Jason and Anthony had to call in Colin from the YouTube channel One Stop Co-Op Shop in order to talk about it all.
You will hear our usual in-depth coverage of three new, very different releases from FFG.
First up, we break down the new Imperial Assault: Legends of the Alliance app (1:30) and let you know our opinion about how it opens up cooperative and solo play for people who already love (or might love) Imperial Assault.
Then we cover Fallout (11:40), a more traditional adventure board game set in the video game universe of its namesake.
Finally. Colin tackles Legacy of Dragonholt (29:20), an RPG-style adventure.
Also, if you want to hear about Pandemic Legacy: Season 2, check out Co-Op Cast. The fellows over there invited Jason along for a chat about the campaign, legacy systems in general, and lots more.