One of the first and most beloved games in our collection is the Game of Thrones LCG from Fantasy Flight Games. While there is a big lifestyle movement around this game and a huge tournament scene, we love just playing it out of the box with the core set cards and this week we sit down to review that experience (NOTE: This review was recorded well before the 2nd Edition and only refers to the 1st edition core set).
Join Anthony, Chris, Dan, and Kim this week to discuss AGoT along with Guilds of Cadwallon, Castellan, Munchkin Legendary, and Timeline at the table.
At the Table
We brought four games to the table this week and each of them fits in that perfect quick and easy timeslot that is often so hard to fill when gaming. These are games you can bring with you to work or play on the side while waiting for a table to open up.
The first is Guilds of Cadwallon, a brilliant little miniature-based area control game that takes 20-30 minutes tops. Next is Timeline, a game that tests your knowledge (or relative knowledge of when things happened). Munchkin Legendary hits the table next and finally we play Steve Jackson’s newest in Castellan.
Feature Review: A Game of Thrones the Card Game (LCG)
As the game that started it all, A Game of Thrones The Card Game has been a juggernaut for Fantasy Flight Games for years. With dozens of deck packs to choose from and three expansion sets to expand your decks, this is a game with a lot to it if you choose to go down that rabbit hole.
But even if you choose not to do so, there is a lot to love here and plenty to keep you coming back for more. Join us to learn what we like about it and how to get started if you’ve never played AGoT before.
Listen to Episode 3
- 0:39- The Hotness News
- 16:06 – Acquisition Disorder Corner
- 28:44 – At the Table
- 1:02:31 – Featured Review: Game of Thrones The Card Game (LCG)
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