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Part 3 of "Sitting on 3000 Games"… The Sid Sackson Auction

Part 3 the “Sitting on 3000 Games” series is about one of the most unfortunate incidents in gaming history: the splitting up of Sid Sackson’s historic collection.

Sid, the greatest game inventor of his generation, had amassed the largest collection in the world, simply because he loved games and was curious about them.

For years he had wanted to organize his collection and donate to an institution which would preserve, be Sid never got around to it.

His long illness forced his family to arrange an auction of his games to pay the mounting medical bills. His treasured collection was scattered to the four winds.

For the full accounting of this landmark event and its aftermath, go to my Board Game Geek blog. The address is

For the time being, all my articles will be posted in full on our ‘sister blog’ at Board Game Geek.

If you missed the first two installments, you can find them here:
Part one, The Story of John and Robin
Part two, John & Robin’s mentor, Sid Sackson

Next: Kicking the Habit Episode 16
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