2nd Annual Extra Life Charity Event

2nd Annual Board Gamers Anonymous Extra Life Fundraiser

When: October 26, 2014
Where: Gamer’s Gambit, Saddlebrook, NJ

2013 was a HUGE success and we’re not going to let the unfortunate closing of Myriad Games stop us from doing it again. Our goal this year? To top the $2,400+ we raised in 2013 – are you ready to help us make it happen?

We’ve been talking about it for weeks and it’s almost here. Extra Life 2014 will be held on October 26th from 11am to 11pm at Gamer’s Gambit in Saddlebrook, NJ and will be the culmination of weeks of work by the Board Gamers Anonymous team.


Here’s everything you’ll need to know about the event, participating, and donating to children’s hospitals and saving the lives of children:

Supporting the Team

If you haven’t yet, join us on Extra-Life.org as a participant. Here’s how:

  1. Click this link for the Extra Life site
  2. Click the “Support Me” Button
  3. Choose Your Donation Amount
  4. In the Referral Code Spot, Write “BGA Podcast”

You can also join the Board Gamers Anonymous team yourself by signing up here: Board Gamers Anonymous Team

Any questions at all, hit us up on Facebook or contact us

Raffle Highlights

In 2013, the board gaming industry was HUGELY supportive of our efforts, donating more than 50 games for our raffle and auction. This year, we’re excited to hold the second annual raffle and are hoping for an even bigger pool of amazing games for our event-day raffle. Some of the companies who have already pledged support include:


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We’ll be updating this page for the next few weeks with more information about the event – bookmark this page and check back often for full details!

Auction Highlights

We’re still finalizing our full list of auction highlights. If you have an item, old game, or a service you’d like to offer to the auction, email us at anthony@boardgamersanonymous.com to discuss it with Anthony. We’ll be updating this page between now and October 15th with the full list of Auction items.



  • Anthony lives and plays games in Philadelphia, PA. A lover of complex strategy, two-player war games, and area control, Anthony is always eager to try a new game, even if he's on rule-reading duty.

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