ENGN 188 – Pandemic with Board Gamers Anonymous, and Top Ten Pandemic Games

If you are not a regular listener of the Board Gamers Anonymous podcast, you might not know that Jason hopped over there on episode 267 to chat about why Pandemic is his favorite game. For this episode, we are presenting that entire conversation here. Following that, Jason also did a video for the One Stop Coop Shop, ranking his favorite, Top Ten Pandemic games. The audio for that follows the conversation with the BGA fellas. It’s a Pandemic cornucopia this week!

If you’ve already listened to both pieces of audio in their respective original venues, then thanks for being a superfan, and we’ll see you next week 🙂

  • Anthony lives and plays games in Philadelphia, PA. A lover of complex strategy, two-player war games, and area control, Anthony is always eager to try a new game, even if he's on rule-reading duty.

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