Anthony has run for the hills this week, making room for Jason to revel in new cooperative games from GenCon (don’t worry, Anthony be back next week in all of his Euro glory). Jason also brought along a few friends from the One Stop Coop Shop YouTube channel and also CoOp Cast, Colin and Steve. Thanks for helping out!
They go over some fun games that were featured at the big show. Colin breaks down Talisman: Legendary Tales (4:14), a children’s style adventure game that hearkens back (sort of) to the old Talisman game that many folks have played before. Jason and Steve then break down SEAL Team Flix (12:17), a flicking game about marines infiltrating some enemy bases. It’s certainly unique, which we appreciate here on ENGN!
Jason and Colin then break down Kitchen Rush (22:54), newly released in the US from Stronghold Games. Kitchen Rush is a real time game about running a restaurant that Colin has played an estimated 40 times already (so you know it must be pretty good, at the very least). Finally, all three of the boys on the call have a nice, healthy debate about The Captain is Dead: Lockdown (36:03), a standalone expansion to The Captain is Dead from AEG.
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