Jason is joined by Liz Davidson from Beyond Solitaire this week. We have some game reviews for you, and also make an announcement. Listen to find out!
First up, Jason reviews the 18 card, tile laying mini-game from Leitman Games, Squire for Hire (10:40), comparing it to some very well known contemporaries like Sprawlopolis and Circle the Wagons. Does Squire for Hire stand with these other beloved games?
We then follow up with three games from Weird Giraffe Games. First up is Fire in the Library (17:41), a quick, push your luck filler game. Then we have Stellar Leap (24:18), a family friendly euro game with a space theme and 4x flavor. Finally from Weird Giraffe, we have Dreams of Tomorrow (32:11), a tactical, small box worker placement game with gorgeous art.
Rounding out the episode, we have two games from Starling Games, the cerebral head-to-head deduction game Anomaly (37:46), as well as Ascendant (44:09), the expansion to Archmage from last year.
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