Liz from Beyond Solitaire rejoins Anthony and Jason to talk about some games to while away your lunch hour at work.
First, we chat about Hero Realms (3:26), a variant of Star Realms with a fantasy theme. We love the original, but is this one possibly better? Liz then breaks down Multiuniversum (12:43), a puzzly card game about scientists closing portals which has a neat solo mode (even if the rulebook doesn’t advertise it as such). Finally, Jason chats about a game in the Duelist line from Level 99, Professor Treasure’s Secret Sky Castle (19:11).
For our discussion this week, we turn to the fans! If you have not joined our Facebook group, please check us out. A member of the group, Harrison Guzman, asked us to talk about games that would fit into someone’s workday during lunch. Rather than just talk about it ourselves, we invited him and his girlfriend to join us and chat about how lunchtime games differ from regular old short games, and also give some tips and suggestions to draw people away from their computers.
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