ENGN Episode 124 – Kickstarter Roundup: Dawn of the King’s Obsession with Crypts

We do this once a season, for the reason of new kickstarter deliveries hitting our tables. Liz from Beyond Solitaire and Jeremy from Jambalaya Plays Games hop back on the show to do what we do whether the mics are on or not… talk about games!

First up, we have King’s Guild (5:20), a game that Jeremy promises might kill that unkillable game for you – Splendor! It already has a one-up on Splendor in that is has a built-in solo mode, and Jeremy breaks down what else this one has to offer. After that, we get into Crypt (9:50), a small filler game with some dice and a cute theme that might get some chuckles as your local bar night.

After that, we get a bit heavier and share about Dawn of Peacemakers (16:17), a VERY unique game where you play a diplomat running around in the field of battle, trying to bring two warring armies to a state where they don’t want to kill each other any more. There’s tactical movement, clever card play, and an ongoing, replayable campaign in this game, everything that Jason loves to see in a game. He’ll tell you if it delivered or not.

Finally, Liz gets to indulge her inner Jane Austin geek during our review of Obsession: Pride, Intrigue, and Prejudice in Victorian England (28:35). This one offers some simple tableau building and hand/ pawn management, wrapped with love in a theme that definitely does not get a ton of traffic.

Rounding things out, we get into a bit about playing prototypes – what’s fun about it, how to get into it, how it enables relationships with our favorite designers, and other aspects of it.

  • Anthony lives and plays games in Philadelphia, PA. A lover of complex strategy, two-player war games, and area control, Anthony is always eager to try a new game, even if he's on rule-reading duty.

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