ENGN Episode 44 – Pop Culture Games ft. Harry Potter, TMNT, and Dresden Files

It’s ComicCon week, so Anthony and Jason are diving into three games with pop culture themes, including Harry Potter Deck Building Game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past from IDW, and the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game.

All three games can be played solo, so we dig in and share our thoughts on how they run. Are they worth tracking down? Should you get them for solo-only play? Are they generally too light to be anything more than family or fan-only fare? Find out in our reviews.

Make sure to connect with us and carry on the conversation on www.boardgamersanonymous.com, Facebook (boardgamersanonymous), and on Twitter (@engn_podcast and @bgapodcast). And if you haven’t yet, leave us a short review on iTunes. We’d love your feedback!

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  • Anthony lives and plays games in Philadelphia, PA. A lover of complex strategy, two-player war games, and area control, Anthony is always eager to try a new game, even if he's on rule-reading duty.

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