We welcome Kevin Erskine back to the show to continue… not talking about the current hotness! Last week, we went back and looked at a classic in the genre. This week, we look at more older games that we like, but which may have slipped under your radar.
First, Jason takes a look at a stealth based cooperative game set in World War II called V-Commandos (3:27). Anthony, of course, sees Jason’s thematic cooperative game and counters with an older Euro – Troyes (7:52). Kevin jumps into the fun with a cooperative tower defense game, King’s Armory (14:02), then Jason rounds it all out with a review of a post-apocalyptic, resource management game called Salvation Road (22:10).
Finally, we talk ourselves off the ledge with regards to the Fear of Missing Out (28:58) – that is, how do we manage not getting games we really want, managing our budget, why FOMO might not be as easy to resist as we think, and other issues.
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