Episode 111 – 17 Most Anticipated Games of 2017

It’s time for our most anticipated games of 2017! Anthony and Chris sit down to run through the 17 games we think are going to be big in 2017 (and then we discuss whether we think they will in fact be good or not).

As the first full show recorded in 2017, we dive into some of the recent events that have been making the rounds in the hobby, along with our acquisition disorders (even more anticipated games!) and the games we’ve been playing lately.

Acquisition Disorder Corner

Anthony starts things off with a pair of games – the first the revamp of Caravan from Emerson Matsuuchi – a game that hasn’t even come out yet. It will be released by Plan B Games later this year as Century: Spice Road (followed by two more in the same series). He also talks about a game he has played and quite enjoyed but wanted to track down a copy of: Hanamikoji.

Chris dives into one of our most anticipated games of 2017 – First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet. He also hits up the most recent CMON Kickstarter project, The World of Smog: Rise of Moloch (still live until February 2).

At the Table

Next on “At the Table”, Anthony dives into two recent Kickstarter arrivals with Fields of Green and Santorini. The former, a revamp of Among the Stars by Artipia Games is coming later this year in the US from Stronghold Games. Santorini is out now in most online stores and is a fantastic new abstract game.

Chris dives back into Terraforming Mars – the hottest of hot games from the second half of 2016, followed by the other big Stronghold release, Great Western Trail.

Feature: 17 Most Anticipated Games of 2017

Finally, the guys map out 17 games they are excited to learn more about in 2017, and hopefully get a chance to play. Some of these will be good, some will be bad, but right now, these are the games highest on our radar for the coming year.

Make sure to check out BGA on Twitter (@BGApodcast), Facebook, and BoardGameGeek.

  • Anthony lives and plays games in Philadelphia, PA. A lover of complex strategy, two-player war games, and area control, Anthony is always eager to try a new game, even if he's on rule-reading duty.

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