Episode 117 – Lords of Waterdeep vs. Champions of Midgard

Every now and then, we find a pair of games that are similar or that have a lot of crossover in their audiences. And when this happens, a lot of people will ask us which they should pick up. For these questions, we create our versus episodes – a head to head battle between two games to decide which one is the best fit for a particular spot on your shelf.

This month, that versus battle is between Lords of Waterdeep and Champions of Midgard. These two worker placement games set in fantasy-style worlds with equal measures of magic and combat are both incredibly popular – but which one should you choose if you’re expanding your collection for a mid-weight worker placement game? That’s what we hope to answer this week. And if you have an opinion, be sure to stop by our Facebook Page or BoardGameGeek guild and share your thoughts in the poll.

In addition to our Versus feature, we’ll be looking at two games in our acquisition disorder corner, including Barenpark from Mayfair Games, and Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, the newest LCG coming from Fantasy Flight this summer. We also talk about a pair of games we’ve been playing lately with Kingdomino and Celestia.

Finally, we tap into the recent question of the day answers to share some reader feedback on which games in their collection they have blinged out with custom components the most. We got a lot of very cool responses about game upgrades, and Chris and Anthony both shared their most blinged out games and why they did it.

  • Anthony lives and plays games in Philadelphia, PA. A lover of complex strategy, two-player war games, and area control, Anthony is always eager to try a new game, even if he's on rule-reading duty.

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