On Episode 129 of BGA, Anthony and Chris dig into Five Tribes and share 6 games you might like if you also like this one – breaking them down by lighter, similar, and heavier weights.
To start, we’ll dig into our question of the week, asking you, the listeners what game mechanic you use to introduce people to board gaming. Next, we dive into our acquisition disorders, including Queendomino and Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium.
Then we dive into our recent plays with The Quest for El Dorado and In the Year of the Dragon: 10th Anniversary Edition. Both games are available from Ravensburger at Gen Con, so make sure to check them out if you’re interested after hearing our reviews.
Finally, we look at Five Tribes and share with you six games that make similar use of the Mancala mechanic – games you should give a shot if you also like this one.
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