It’s finally here! Dan has been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Bootleggers for weeks and it finally made it to the table this week (multiple times). Join the regular team and special guest, George, as we focus our feature review on Bootleggers, as well as some recent plays of Blood Bowl Team Manager Card Game, Anthony’s new favorite abstract game, The Duke, and a couple of recent tablet releases in Cyclades and Lords of Water Deep
On the Tablet
Let’s face it – the board gaming hobby takes place as much on the tablet as it does on the table these days. Join the team as we discuss two tablet games that have been getting heavy play in our group. First up is Cyclades, which has a handful of issues, mostly related to the lack of single player options. Second is the brand new Lords of Waterdeep app – a game that has become an addictive guilty pleasure for half our group – what would make it better and just how brutal is that AI?
At the Table
This week at the table, George introduces us to Blood Bowl Team Manager Card Game, a game that we’ve been eager to try out for some time, along with some of his favorite takes on the play of this unique battler from Fantasy Flight. Next up, Anthony talks about his favorite new abstract chess-derivative – the Duke.
Finally, Kim talks about her recent plays of Call of Cthulu in a special RPG talk special. Learn how her campaign has been going and what she was able to get out of it with the friendly crew from Myriad Games.
Feature Review – Bootleggers
Finally, we focus on our feature review this week – Bootleggers. Out of print for a bit of time, Dan was finally able to get his hands on a copy in a recent rerelease and was excited to get it to the table a number of times in the last two weeks. Find out if the rum-running gangster game lives up to expectations and just how cool those little plastic trucks are in motion. Learn whether this is a game worth adding to your collection or tracking down for a play.
Listen to Episode 16
- 00:23 – The Hotness News
- 09:24 – Acquisition Disorder Corner
- 25:59 – At the Table
- 54:17 – Feature Review: Bootleggers
Make sure to check out BGA on Twitter (@BGApodcast), Facebook, and BoardGameGeek. We’re also on Patreon so let us know if you think this episode is worth at least $1!
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