It’s been a long month of gaming thus far and we’re excited to discuss what has hit our table. The big feature this episode is Lewis and Clark: The Expedition. In our review, we’ll discuss the game, it’s unique features, the effectiveness of the race mechanic, and how deck building works when combined with a robust worker placement element. We’ll also dive into recent play throughs of Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Hotel Samoa, Evolution, and Can’t Stop – with some interesting opinions on each game.
At the Table
At the table this week, we bring a number of games to discuss. The first is a game we received from the developer as part of their ongoing Kickstarter campaign. In our review of Evolution, we look at a prototype of what has already shown itself to be a hot campaign for 2014. The game’s unique take on natural selection has our interest, but does it play out through an entire game?
Next up, Daniel brings his all time favorite, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, to the table and discusses what makes it such a favorite in his collection. Chris lands a major bargain on Hotel Samoa, a surprisingly enjoyable game, and Drew discusses one of the all time great push your luck games in Can’t Stop.
Feature Review: Lewis and Clark
For weeks, the gaming world has been talking about Lewis and Clark, the first game from designer Cédrick Chaboussit and publisher Ludonaute (in the United States). The game melds a number of unique mechanics, brilliant artwork, and a fun race-based victory mechanism that all work extremely well on many levels.
And yet there are some concerns – listen to our full review to learn what we were concerned about, where we disagreed, and whether we ultimately decided to recommend this game to listeners at large. Check it out in this episode’s feature review.
Listen to Episode 28
- 00:28 – The Hotness News
- 11:34 – Acquisition Disorder Corner
- 20:36 – Kicking the Habit
- 28:05 – At the Table
- 51:12 – Feature Review: Lewis and Clark
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