This week we’re looking at the best of the best board game artists, featuring 10 who have created sensational work for some of our favorite games.
But first, we discuss our question of the week: What game has surprised you the most so far in 2020, and what’s your favorite mid-week through the year?
In acquisition disorders this week Anthony looks at Civilization: A New Dawn – Terra Incognita and Chris looks at Photosynthesis: Under the Moonlight – two expansions for 2017 releases that no one saw coming.
At the table this week, Anthony reviews Sonora – a flick and write game from Pandasaurus Games, and Chris looks at Paperback: Unabridged, a clever expansion for Paperback from Tim Fowers.
Finally, in the feature, Anthony and Chris dig into the top 10 artists working in board games and the games that made their work famous. See which hit the top of our list.
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