The Reddit Report (8/2): Slimming the King of Tokyo; Showing love for the ol’ Roll-and-Move; & Insuring your collection. Now!

The Reddit Report is a weekly look at the most interesting and informative Reddit threads & comments, published every Saturday.


I took out half the cards out of [King of Tokyo], and it is a much better experience
submitted by nobody7x7

I agree. Some of the cards add high-powered randomness to a game that is already chock-full of it. Trimming the fat of this game makes for more strategic use of cards. OP didn’t actually list the cards to remove, but you can give some thoughtful attention to the deck and come up with some valid choices.

Best way to play Liar’s Dice?
submitted by JustnBe

Lots and lots of variants for the world’s most popular Public Domain game.


Economy (tight money) based game
submitted by dsherrer

A very narrow genre of game, the tight-fisted economy game. We’ve all played them. Spend a little. Make a little. Take half the game generating enough income to improve your prospects by even a small amount. If you like to ratchet up the tension – or if this is how you’re used to living already – try these games out.

Roll and Move Games?
submitted by leanoru

One of the most reviled tabletop mechanics gets some love in this thread. They’re not just for children and old-timers anymore.


I finally painted by Roborally minis!
submitted by Dawnsteel

I’m not big into painting. I mean, monsters are monsters, no matter the color. But those d#$% little robots in my RoboRally set have always been difficult to tell apart. This is how you solve that problem…


Insurance for your board games
submitted by whitet73

A lot of gamers own thousands of dollars worth of games. Insure them! Now!


Why did Rio Grande stop?
submitted by ccrunchm

Sometimes it helps to know what’s been going on with your favorite game companies.

How is it that Vassal modules are allowed to exist?
submitted by kestrel1

I play a lot of tabletop games in their online versions. Many of the games I own, and many of them I know nothing about. I’m a big proponent of try-before-you-buy.

Of course, that can be abused by players who have no intention of buying a game that they’ve been enjoying on the internet.

Well, that’s less likely to happen with games that use Vassal. It’s a special module that facilitates play between players who already own the game but otherwise would have no one to play it with.

I haven’t used Vassal yet because the tech side of it intimidates me. But the question raised by kestrel1 is valid nonetheless, applying both to Vassal and pretty much every website that uses digital versions of tabletop games.

There are a lot of great comments presenting the publishers’ POV, both for and against unauthorized adaptation of a cardboard version to digital.

Are you a Redditor, too? Have I missed something interesting from Reddit that you want to share? Please let us know in the Comments!

(Reddit logo is in the Public Domain.)

  • Drew is a contributor to the Board Gamers Anonymous podcast. He's a curator by nature, compulsively reading and obsessively organizing what he's read. He's also been a gamer since the age of 3, which means he's been playing board games for... let's just say more than 40 years, and leave it at that...

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