The Reddit Report: What's the problem with Risk? & What am I missing about Ticket to Ride?

(The Reddit Report is a weekly feature, published every Saturday.)

Before I get to this week’s gimmick, I wanted to isolate a very helpful and important thread about making games more accessible.

Making board games more accessible for those visually impaired
submitted by thag_you_very_buch

What can individuals do to privately adapt games, whether altering components to make them easily recognized or reformatting rulebooks into large print. The legal issues are discussed and reference made to a group ( which gets permission to print larger versions of wargames.

Okay, now here’s the gimmick: This week, the threads neatly link to the next one…

What kind of events would keep you coming back to a beer/café/sandwich/table top game store?
submitted by MaesterKupo

Putting in a table like this one will keep people coming back to your cafe…

My buddy made the coolest Risk game board
submitted by StevenBassic

But not everyone thinks Risk is cool…

What is the problem with Risk?
submitted by Young_Economist

It’s tough to be the one that just doesn’t ‘get it’…

What am I missing about Ticket to Ride?
submitted by Brocutus

Well, one of the problems with TTR is all the cards that need shuffling…

Any suggestions/feedback for an auto card shuffler?
submitted by vazzaroth

Now, once you have a shuffler, you can keep adding cards to all your games…

Idea I had for an expansion deck for Lifeboat
submitted by Jeff Siadek

And with more cards you can have more players…

What game has the widest and best scaled player count?
submitted by K0HR

When you have that many players, put them in teams…

What games…can easily be played in teams?
submitted by toddbarker

Did I miss any good threads? If you’re a Redditor, tell me what I overlooked in the Comments section.


  • Drew is a contributor to the Board Gamers Anonymous podcast. He's a curator by nature, compulsively reading and obsessively organizing what he's read. He's also been a gamer since the age of 3, which means he's been playing board games for... let's just say more than 40 years, and leave it at that...

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