Episode 93 – Legacy Other Games

One of the hottest trends in gaming right now is Legacy – the idea that a game can tell a true story that grows and evolves with time and plays. With Pandemic Legacy out, Gloomhaven’s recent Kickstarter a smashing success and other storytelling games that grow over time like T.I.M.E Stories hitting the market, we want to look at how other games would look if given the Legacy treatment.

Join Anthony, Chris, and Daniel to discuss three games they’d like to see Legacyed and what that would look like. We’re also talking about recent play throughs of Isle of Skye, Coconuts, and Maha Yodha.

Shout it from the Tabletop

This week Drew brings a bunch of interesting news stories to the table for the guys to discuss including:

Acquisition Disorder Corner

This week we have a bunch of games we’re excited to see hit our tables in the future. Anthony kicks it off with a run through of The Great Dinosaur Rush, a game he’s had a chance to run through in recent weeks, as well as Nippon – an Essen release from the designers of Madeira.

Next up Daniel discusses his interest in Steamcraft, a Kickstarter project that will be wrapping up in just a couple of days so head over there and check it out. Finally, Chris discusses a Kickstarter project he’s interested in with Kodama: The Tree Spirits.

At the Table

The guys discuss three games they got to the table this week, starting with Anthony’s recent playthrough of the Carcassonne-like tile laying game, Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King. Chris and Daniel discuss the merits of dexterity games after a play through of Coconuts, and Daniel discusses the ups and downs of Maha Yodha, one of the prettiest games from Kickstarter last year, but one with some issues in gameplay.

Feature: Legacy Other Games

Imagine you could turn any game in your collection into a Legacy game that told a story – one that evolved over time and was filled with twists and turns.

Chris, Daniel, and Anthony discuss exactly that this week in our feature review and a new segment about applying unique mechanics to other games we like. Anthony starts off with Imperial Settlers, followed by Daniel with Dead of Winter and Chris with Tokaido. If you comment, keep it spoiler free for the other Legacy games that are already out there!

Listen to Episode 93

  • Shout it from the Tabletop
  • Acquisition Disorder Corner: The Great Dinosaur Rush, Nippon, Steamcraft, Kodama: The Tree Spirit
  • At the Table: Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King, Maha Yodha, Cocounts
  • Feature: Legacy Other Games
  • Final Round: Board Game Themed Homecoming Floats

Make sure to check out BGA on Twitter (@BGApodcast), Facebook, and BoardGameGeek. We’re also on Patreon so let us know if you think this episode is worth at least $1!

  • Anthony lives and plays games in Philadelphia, PA. A lover of complex strategy, two-player war games, and area control, Anthony is always eager to try a new game, even if he's on rule-reading duty.

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